WEB-APP App Inventor

App Inventor Link: http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu


Essential Questions:

  • What is the role of creativity in designing an attractive, functional, and accessible graphical user interface?
  • What is the role of creativity in designing a mobile application to solve a problem?


  • Learn the mechanics of using App Inventor to build apps
  • Learn how to design an app’s user interface with the App Inventor Designer and its behavior with the Blocks Editor.
  • Understand that an app’s behavior consists of event handlers– blocks that specify how an app responds to each event.
  • Understand that an app can make decisions using a conditional (if) block.
  • Understand that a component has a set of properties and that a property is a memory cell that can be changed to modify how a component looks and behaves.
  • Learn how to test an app, how to deploy it to a device, and how to publish it on a portfolio and the App Inventor Gallery.

2023 Lessons:

  1. Pre-Assessment Mobile Development
  2. Unplugged Lesson/Videos
  3. Mobile Development Introduction
  4. App Inventor Introduction + 1st Tutorial 
  5. App Inventor Introduction Assignment (checklist)
    1. Link if needed -App Inventor Tutorials    
  6. Post-Assessment Mobile Development
  7. Create Your Own App Assignment


  1. Directions – App Inventor -Chromebook Set-up





Designer and Blocks Editor http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/designer-blocks.html


Understanding Blocks: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/understanding-blocks.html

Introduction: What does this app do? https://sites.google.com/site/appinventor/lesson-introduction-to-app-inventor

apptutorials                  apptutorials

checklistApp Inventor Tutorials Checklistchecklist

  1. Talk to Me App:
  2. BallBounce Game App
  3. DigitalDoodle Drawing App
  4. PaintPot Part 1:
  5. Magic 8 Ball
  6. I Have a Dream Tutorial
  7. iTunes Tutorial
  8. Space Invaders
  9. Mole Mash:
  10. Malden Tour:
  11. Pick One:
  12. Pick One:

The completed Checklist will be graded.

Rubric App Checklist

App Inventor Tutorials Grade

19-10 1st semester

Completed 12 Tutorials 110
Completed 11 Tutorials 105
Completed 10 Tutorials 100
Completed 9 Tutorials 95
Completed 8 Tutorials 90
Completed 7 Tutorials 80
Completed 6 Tutorials 70
Completed 5 Tutorials 60
Completed less than 5 Tutorials 50


Assignment:  Create Your Own App Project:

Essential Question:
Why is it important to plan out the development of an app before you create the code of it?

Students will be able to create an app and tutorial of their own selection.

Additional Resources:

Intro Videos: