WEB-APP MIT App Inventor Project Links

Empowering with Mobile Computing


Real Life Impact

The Web and Mobile Application course at Malden High School is working to engage students to develop real solutions to a problem that affects their local community. Through this process we believe we can have a positive impact on students’ views of themselves authentic members of the computing community. Working together, Malden High School teacher, Beth Horwitz and members of the MIT App Inventor team developed curriculum and resources to facilitate student learning and to evaluate students’ changes in attitude, perception, and understanding towards coding to solve real world problems.  


intro video.png


  1. Talk to Me
  2. Ball Bounce
  3. Translate
  4. Fake News
  5. Malden Tour
  6. Cloud DB Two-Button
  7. iTunes

Final Project

**Extra Credit Tutorials

App Tutorial Checklist

open response rubric-simplified

talk to me
Essential Questions

  • Why would someone prefer a smartphone over a landline?
  • Why don’t all apps appeal to all audiences?
  • Explain what features have you seen on apps that make you curious how it was made?
  • Have any of you thought of building apps before and why/why not?
Tutorial Link:



  1. Log into App Inventor and launch the companion app.
  2. Layout an app in the designer editor.
  3. Use the text-to-speech function to speak a string of words.
  4. Activate the text-to-speech function using a button press.
Post Activity Check-in:


To the top

ball bounce
Essential Questions

  • How many of you played animated games on your phone?
  • How can a user control the movement of a ball in an app?
  • What information might the app need in order to make the movement happen?
Tutorial Link:


Objectives# Use the Canvas and Ball components in App Inventor to make an animated game app.

  1. Control Ball movement by user input.
Post Activity Check-in:


To the top


You’re challenged with creating an app that could act as an aid for immigrant parents who need a little extra help in English-speaking situations. Inspired by YR Media story What It’s Like to be a Translator.

Essential Questions

  • What are my expectations about learning another language using technology?
  • Why learn another language?
  • How will learning a language using technology enhance my life?
Tutorial Link:



  1. Use the YandexTranslate component successfully in an app.
  2. Add user interface components in the Designer and code them correctly to display and speak translated text.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of the events, such as the GotTranslation event that is triggered by the Yandex Translator.
Post Activity Check-in:


To the top

fax news
Essential Questions

  • How would you spot fake news?
  • What happens when fake news spreads?
  • What are potential consequences when fake news goes viral?
Tutorial Link: http://bit.ly/FakeNewsMalden

  1. Create a quiz app that keeps score.
  2. Initialize and use variables to keep track of information in an app.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of the use of lists to store multiple pieces of similar information, and to extract that information through indexing.
  4. Use conditionals to test for a correct answer in a quiz, and to test for visibility of a component in order to hide and show the component.
Post Activity Check-in:


To the top

malden tour
Essential Questions

  • How can Tour Guide apps help visitors new to an area?
  • What information is useful when creating a map-based app?
  • What methods can you use to make information “persistent” in a mobile app?
Tutorial Link:



  1. Design and code a location-based app, using the Map components in App Inventor.
  2. Create an app that uses multiple screens and passes values.
  3. Use the TinyDB component to store data persistently on a device.
  4. Use variables to store and update values within an app.
  5. Demonstrate understanding list data structures to store multiple elements of data.
  6. Demonstrate understanding of parallel lists to manage related information.
Post Activity Check-in:

To the top

cloud db 2 buttons
Essential Questions

  • What apps do you use that share data between users?
  • How is data shared between users and devices?
  • What happens when multiple users are using the app and updating data?
Tutorial Link:



  • Design a simple app that uses CloudDB
  • Add multiple components and use arrangement components to organize a
    somewhat complex user interface for an app
  • Demonstrate understanding of CloudDB and storing and retrieving data from the cloud
  • Work collaboratively to build and test a working app
Post Activity Check-in:


To the top

i tunes
Essential Questions

  • What kinds of apps do you have on your phone that update when their data change?
  • How do these apps receive updates and information from a server?
  • How do you think databases store a lot of different information about an object?
Tutorial Link:



  1. Make a Web API call using a browser.
  2. Add User Interface components to App Inventor in the Designer window.
  3. Code an app that uses a Web API to display music information.
  4. Modularize code blocks by creating and using procedures.
Post Activity Check-in:


To the top

App Inventor Tutorials Checklist Grade

final project

Creative Commons Symbols:  




Project Ideas Preview:

Project Description Form

Rubric-Final Project

Worksheets to complete

  1. Storyboard Worksheet
  2. Project Design Layout Worksheet
  3. Next Session Goal Worksheet


How  to publish to the MIT App Inventor Gallery. https://youtu.be/sn5qI9N7_wE  Once it is published to the Gallery, others can then open their projects and run them, use them, change them to make them their own

Link to  App Inventor – App of the Month page: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/app-month-gallery.html   Follow directions in the video above and make sure to follow the directions at the end about getting a link to share. You will need that link to submit their apps for App of the Month consideration.

Instructions to publish on the Play Store – I believe they need to sign up as a Google developer, and that costs $25.  http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/google-play.html


Share to Gallery Button does not appear- solution:  That’s because you’re on the Malden server and they need to be on http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu

They would need to go to Projects -> Export aia to export their project. Then they would have to login to http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu (and would need a gmail account to do so). Then they would go to Project -> Import aia from computer to import the aia they just exported from the Malden server. Once they’ve imported the aia, they should then see the Publish to Gallery button.




















map crowdsourcing

Map Crowd Sourcing Check-in
Outsourcing-Students Notes (File-make a copy)

Essential Questions

Is crowdsourcing a valid way to build an app? Why or why not?
How can you ensure valid information is input in a crowdsourced app?

Tutorial Link:
Open your tour link above

  1. Demonstrate understanding of crowdsourcing as a way to share work and information.
  2. Use logical “and” operator and nested conditionals to determine different outcomes in an app.
  3. Modularize code blocks by creating and using procedures.
  4. Add items to a list.


Post Activity Check-in:

Essential Questions Tutorial Link:


Objectives. Post Activity Check-in:

find the one that matches your group’s device


The Arduino file in case it isn’t there:
